About 30 minutes west of Portland Oregon is the little town of Troutdale and one of our favorite doggie destinations when we’re in that area. On the north side of I-84 (exit 18) and officially known as the Sandy River Delta Park it is popularly known as “1000 Acres.” It’s actually a sprawling 1400 acres of wilderness trails includes paths specially designated for equestrian and mountain bike use. Pretty much everywhere else except the parking lot and main trailhead is an off-leash Doggie Disneyland.
Willow’s rescuers live in Portland and sometimes we are able to coax them and a varied selection of their 6-dog pack to come join us for a romp. Brian, one half of Willow’s Rescue Angels also happens to be an accomplished photographer and we were lucky that he brought an actual camera with him on this day so the pictures on this page look way better than what I usually take with whatever phone I am using at the time.

Another of my Portland friend’s dogs is Chuck the handsome Pit Bull. Chuck and Willow love each other, in fact the entire Portland Pack erupts in excitement when their old friend Willow comes to visit. While Chuck and Willow can sleep on top of each other the keep-a-way ball game is much too serious to ease up just because a friend is chasing you.

Willow always gives it a serious go though.

Besides the keep-a-way game, wonderful smells and strange butts to check out there is also a swimming hole which sometimes is even clear water and not a mud bath or you can hike down to the Sandy River itself for a splashing good time.

Either way, Willow always finds her way into some body of water to emerge sopping wet so she has an excuse to shake off vigorously and then relax to soak up the sun and dry off.

Depending on the weather there is usually an excellent view of Mt. Hood and we coaxed Brian to take some beauty shots of Willow with it in the background.

Giving some loves to Brian after the hike/romp.

If you find yourself in the Portland area it is well worth the short drive to get there and you can make an entire day’s outing of it. As with many great doggie destinations, if you go mid-week the crowds are much smaller and it’s easier to park. Even if your schedule does not permit such flexibility and you can only get there on the weekend I cannot rave enough about the spectacular time you and any doggie friends can have at 1000 Acres.