This is only one of the many posts relating to our Death Valley adventure. If you would like to see more of what we did on that trip please visit our main Death Valley page.
Years ago, long before Willow was born, I hiked up to the top of Mt. Whitney. A family friend flew me down to the Lone Pine Airport and I met up with another friend who was in the area doing some work for the Fish and Game Department and L.A. Water & Power. Having checked off that bucket list item of the highest point in the contiguous U.S. it only seemed appropriate to take the opportunity of being at the lowest point in the contiguous U.S. as well. So, when this Death Valley trip came to fruition I knew that Badwater Basin was definitely on our list of places to visit.
We left the Geologists’ Cabin and headed out Warm Spring Canyon Road until we came to West Side Road which eventually intersected with Badwater Road. Heading North towards Furnace Creek we passed Mormon Point which seemed to be little more than a sign saying “Mormon Point” and then…not much else. I am sure there is a story involved but it just looked like so much of nothing we just didn’t care. We were on a mission!
Of course, once we arrive there the little parking lot is already full and I see a sign saying “No Dogs.” Great, now I have to break a rule. I expect they really just don’t want you to take your dog out on the alkali flats during the heat of the day and to protect your little pookie’s delicate little tootsies from the salt. Since we are talking about Willow here, Desert Princess, tough bitch of doom, 1) a little salt won’t make her melt and I, servant to her royal fuzziness, have been known to massage Musher’s Secret into her little tootsies after a long day on hard or hot surfaces if need be, 2) it is 9am and only in the 80’s, 3) we are only planning on going to the sign to take a picture and it is right at the parking lot area on a boardwalk before you ever step off onto the salt flats and 4) we work on the “Contrition is easier than permission” assumption. So that was the plan – a quick in and out to get the picture and hoping we don’t get chastised by a Ranger or some self-proclaimed Protector of All Dogs Everywhere! So, without further adieu, the picture proof:

It went off without a hitch. Down to the sign, take a picture, back into the air-conditioned Tacoma in, literally, all of 5 minutes.
If Willow had a bucket list this probably would not be on it but still, that box has now been checked because I’m the dad and I say so.