About 17 miles out of downtown Barstow, CA, on the opposite side of Barstow Rd/Hwy 247 from the New Jack City rock climbing area is the BLM’s Sawtooth Canyon campground. It is reached by a lightly washboarded well maintained dirt road. A 4×4 or high-clearance vehicle is not needed. Once we arrive at the campground …
Author: E
In no order of importance and continually being fine tuned: • Follow the Leave No Trace principle and, if you Pack It In, Pack It Out. • Picking up and packing out your own garbage is no longer adequate. To keep up with scumbag litterers please consider picking up more than just your own garbage. …
ad•ven•ture |adˈvenCHər, əd-| A situation where the outcome is not entirely within your control. ORIGIN Middle English: from Old French aventure (noun), aventurer (verb), based on Latin adventurus ‘about to happen,’ from advenire ‘arrive.’ dog |dôg| noun 1 a domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute sense of smell, and a …